I happened to overtake a Merk S class on a Dio yesterday. Credit goes to the mobile phone the driver of the mighty blue sedan using. He was a on a call, without hands-free. So he was slow.
This brought up a memory in me, earlier my ...... friend JD overtook a Merk with an 800. The story goes like this, we two along with Achayan was having a trip to Achayan's house. From there we took his old 800, with JD being the pilot, and set out for spending some time in the backwaters at Kumarakam. So on the way a Merk happened to be in front. By mistake, I don't remember exactly who, me or Achayan, told leave that vehicle there is no need to overtake it.
As idiotic he is, JD's legs pressed onto the gas, hand on horn. We managed to overtake the slow moving sedan, scaring hell out of the old couple in it. But in front, a tipper against us. Those who have been to Kerala knows the reputation those blood thirsty vehicles have. Next moment we are out of the road. The few seconds passed like we were having a ride in an amusement park.
So whoever happens to be with JD, with he on the wheels, mind your words.........
i like it :)